York Catholic Students Earn Provincial Recognition in OSCA Logo Design Contest

The office of the Premier of Ontario has recognized eleven York Catholic students for their creative vision and innovative design skills. Artists from secondary schools across the YCDSB answered a recent provincial call to action for a student-designed logo to represent the newly incorporated Ontario Schools Cricket Association (OSCA). Formed in 2020, the Ontario Schools … Continue reading “York Catholic Students Earn Provincial Recognition in OSCA Logo Design Contest”

STREAM CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE: “A Bold Vision For The Future of Learning At York Catholic”

“With God, all things are possible”  Matthew 19:26   In an increasingly complex world, teachers and parents find themselves preparing students for 21st century pathways and careers that are still emerging, and not yet fully defined. In the exciting space known as “tech” or “next”, students will need to develop both a diverse set of … Continue reading “STREAM CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE: “A Bold Vision For The Future of Learning At York Catholic””

It’s time to double check your School Support Designation!

Protect and promote Catholic education – Ensure you are registered as a Catholic Separate School Supporter Did you know? That you need to be registered as an English Separate School Supporter to attend a York Catholic elementary school? That you need to be registered as an English Separate School Supporter to vote for our York … Continue reading “It’s time to double check your School Support Designation!”