Will in-person face to face and remote learners be assessed and/or graded differently?

Assessment and evaluation will be the same for students attending face to face in-person and through remote learning, and will involve the following: Regular assessment and evaluation will take place for elementary students (tests, quizzes, presentations, projects etc.) No EQAO (Education Quality and Accountability Office) assessments for Grade 3 or 6 students

How will the teacher ensure remote learners don’t feel left out in the classroom compared to in-person face to face learners?

Teachers will use a variety of strategies to provide a stronger connection with learners. Teachers will use a mix of audio and video as determined by their lesson, throughout the day. When a teacher is presenting the screen for a lesson, remote students will see the lesson on the computer and hear the teacher’s voice. … Continue reading “How will the teacher ensure remote learners don’t feel left out in the classroom compared to in-person face to face learners?”

How can in-person face to face and remote learners reconnect in the classroom if they cannot see each other?

Teachers will use a variety of strategies to provide a stronger connection with learners. Teachers will use a mix of audio and video as determined by their lesson, throughout the day. When a teacher is presenting the screen for a lesson, remote students will see the lesson on the computer and hear the teacher’s voice. … Continue reading “How can in-person face to face and remote learners reconnect in the classroom if they cannot see each other?”

If my child is in a complete virtual classroom and requests a switch to in-person face to face, which class will they be placed in upon their return?

If parents wish to transition their child from in-person face-to-face to remote learning, they may do so at any time. Principals will accommodate parent requests for their child to move from remote to in-person face-to-face learning where there is enough space in the classroom to maintain physical distancing.  Classes have been composed honouring physical distancing, … Continue reading “If my child is in a complete virtual classroom and requests a switch to in-person face to face, which class will they be placed in upon their return?”

How will my child’s teacher ensure the quality of education for both in-person and remote learners?

Whether students are learning in-class or remotely, they will be exposed to the same lessons to ensure that the quality of education is consistent across modalities. In other words, teachers will ensure that curriculum programming is identical for all the students that have been assigned to them in their class. Along these lines, the VLE … Continue reading “How will my child’s teacher ensure the quality of education for both in-person and remote learners?”