OSSLT Tuesday, April 10th (info letter sent home March 27th)

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) will be written by all Gr. 10 students (and those who have not yet achieved their pass mark on the Test) on Tuesday April 10th, 2018The successful completion of the OSSLT is an OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) graduation requirement.

Schedule Letters have been sent home with every student detailing the timings for the Test date and also giving added information regarding Accommodations and extra time available for students.

Parents are encouraged to review the schedule and ensure that their children are well rested and have a good meal before coming to school on April 10th.  We also remind parents that students are permitted to leave after the time of the final booklet at 12:30pm (or when they are finished) and we encourage students to arrange for transportation home at this time in order to avoid having to wait around too long at the school.  (Please note:  Students who have school bus transportation will be provided bussing at their usual bus times.)