Allergy Awareness

You may be aware of the recent news involving McDonald’s Canada and the changes to its menu. McDonald’s Canada is now serving products that may contain or come into contact with peanuts, tree nuts or other allergens.

All York Catholic District School Board schools are nut and peanut products safe because we have students with a potentially life-threatening form of allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. The York Catholic District School Board recognizes that anaphylaxis management is a shared responsibility among allergic students, parents, caregivers and the entire school community.

We are aware that, on occasion, parents drop off lunches for their child(ren) from various fast food outlets, and that some of these outlets are not peanut/nut free. Please be mindful of this potentially life-threatening form of allergic reaction and refrain from sending or dropping off any lunches or snacks that may contain or may have come into contact with these products.

In accordance with Board Policy 209, Protection of Students with Anaphylaxis, it is the policy of the York Catholic District School Board that all students be entitled to safe and healthy environments in our schools. This includes:

  • establishing an allergy safe school via the restriction of specific foods and food products that may contain nuts, tree nuts, or other allergens
  • implementing “no food sharing” rules
  • emphasizing proper hand washing routines

We have put strategies and practices into place to reduce the risk of anaphylaxis among our students, and we continue to review our safety practices related to anaphylaxis awareness.

Thank you for everything you do to help keep our school a healthy and safe environment for all students and staff.