Dress Code

Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s): 

Pope Francis CES has a School Dress Code which all students are expected to follow. It consists of  the following: 

      • Clothing must be navy blue or white, solid colours only 
      • Shoes: they must be closed shoes for safety reasons (no flip flops/crocs) Stripes of any type, whether on pants, shorts, or a dress are not permitted Any logo must be no larger than a loonie 
      • T-shirts, collared polo shirts, dress shirts, dresses, and blouses are permitted Skirts, skorts, and dresses, solid colour, are permitted 
      • Sweaters, hoodies, vests, navy blue or white (again, no stripes) will be permitted Track pants and leggings will be permitted (navy blue, no stripes, logo no larger than a loonie)  Denim of any kind will NOT be permitted 
      • School Spirit Wear (specific to Pope Francis) will be permitted 
      • All clothing must be appropriate for school, reflecting Catholic teachings and  Beliefs 
      • Students are reminded to dress appropriately (as per Policy 219A, Elementary Dress Code)

Please feel free to contact the office with any questions you may have.