Halloween at St. Bernadette’s

Dear St. Bernadette Families,

As Halloween approaches next Wednesday October 31st, we ask that you consider the following:

  1. Culture is NOT Costume: Students and staff are to refrain from using costumes that represent a cultural group or ethnicity. (e.g. First Nations, Chinese, Arabic, etc.)
  2. Masks are NOT Necessary: Wearing masks during the school day can compromise the safety of the community. We should always be identifiable in our community so we can avoid having unwelcome guests.
  3. Be aware of Appropriateness of Costumes: Discourage costumes that are not appropriate to the moral tone of our Catholic Schools.
  4. Fear and Evil: Be aware that Ghoulish costumes can terrify younger students, students with special needs, or students with phobias.

When in Doubt, Think Saint: As the history and customs of Hallowe’en precedes All Soul’s and All Saint’s Days on November 1st and 2nd, students may consider dressing as saints and religious figures.

Halloween activities focusing on history, custom and culture will be taking place in classrooms on that day.  

Please be reminded of our anaphylaxis policy and ensure that any snacks sent to school are nut safe.  

Thank you for your support and we wish you and your family a safe and fun Halloween night,

Mrs. deHaas, Principal