Day: 13 February 2020

Feb. 18 to 20 is Carnaval/Carnevale

Here are all of the exciting events that our French and Italian teachers have planned for the school.

Tuesday, Feb.18 Wed., Feb.19 Thursday, Feb.20 International Sport Jersey Day!

Wear your favourite sport jersey to support your favourite national team. Dress up like Bonhomme Carnaval/ Arlecchino Day!

Wear a tuque and sash like Bonhomme or a colourful

outfit like ... Continue reading "Feb. 18 to 20 is Carnaval/Carnevale"

Mon. Feb. 17 is Family Day

Monday, February 17th is Family Day – there’s no school.  It was created to give families more time to spend together and to provide a long weekend in the period between New Year and March Break.  Enjoy the long weekend!

Wear pink and red + uniform on Valentine’s Day

Q: What colours come to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day?

A: Pink and Red

Students are welcome to wear pink and red tomorrow, on top of their uniforms.  It is not a civvies day.  They can add these colours to what they wear to school.  Wishing everyone a loving Valentine’s Day!