Happy Easter

Dear Students, Parents and Families of the St. Clement School Community,

We hope that everyone is keeping safe and healthy. As we head into Easter weekend, it may be tempting to invite family and friends into your homes for Easter Celebrations. However, it is still crucially important to continue to self-isolate, to not have social gatherings and to stay home with your immediate family members. We are all missing the company of our loved ones and friends.

The St. Clement staff and myself, all miss St. Clement students and families very much!  We can’t wait to see the hallways and classrooms full again with the laughter of our children.  But we must do this for everyone’s well-being.

So this Easter weekend, we must think about all the blessings that we have.  Continue to be positive minded, strong in faith and courageous.  We will get through this together.

Wishing you and your family have a very Blessed Easter, filled with hope, peace and love.

Mrs. Provato