Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day

Father Bressani supports Orange Shirt Day

Students from the Grade 11 Leadership and Peer Support Class organized an information booth for their peers to learn Phyllis Webstad’s story in the days leading up to and including September 30th. At the information booth students were offered handouts to learn more, were able to look through a variety of Indigenous books and graphic novels on display, and signed their names on an orange shirt pledging their support. A slideshow was also projected on the cafeteria screens during lunches on September 30th to ensure the message of Webstad’s story and residential schools was shared with as many students as possible.

September’s virtue of the Month was courage, and we hope that through events like Orange Shirt Day students recognize the importance of being a courageous person like Phyllis Webstad. Standing up for what is right is a courageous act and we thank all of those who showed their support and continue to show their support for reconciliation, anti-bullying and anti-racism on a daily basis.

We would like to thank all staff and students who participated and helped make Orange Shirt Day a success at Father Bressani!