2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan

What is the LTAP?

The York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) is undertaking a review and update of its Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP). The LTAP is a comprehensive, multi-year document that guides future accommodation planning needs and initiatives. The document provides student enrolment and school capacity (space) information to show the current and future state of student accommodation across the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB), for each review area profile and for individual schools. The LTAP provides a board-wide summary of student accommodation opportunities and challenges.

Why is it important?

The LTAP is a key piece of the Board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan and is guided by Ministry of Education legislation and expectations. The goal of the LTAP is to provide an overview of planned initiatives in our school communities so that families and partners are aware of what to expect in the coming years. The majority of the initiatives will each have their own consultation and approval process (e.g. Boundary Reviews). The LTAP is important because it helps the Board plan, prioritize and guide decisions for student accommodation that will ultimately support student achievement and well-being.

Draft 2024-29 Long Term Accommodation Plan – Learn about proposed updates and enhancements to the 2024 LTAP Document

Draft 2024-29 Long Term Accommodation Plan

DRAFT LTAP - Summary of Initiatives

LTAP Presentation

Board Report - LTAP Report September 26, 2023

Board Report - 2024-2029 Draft LTAP Document and Consultation

Corp Services Report - LTAP 2024-2029 Principles and Parametres

Your Feedback is important!

As part of the Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) update process, we are interested in hearing your feedback on the draft LTAP document. The YCDSB Planning Department will be hosting 3 public information sessions (dates TBD). Members of the school community will also be able to provide feedback in our online survey.

LTAP Survey – Open from May 2024 until early October 2024 – Please fill out survey

Please stay tuned for more information on opportunities to provide feedback on this important document.

Should you have any questions or comments, kindly contact:

Joachim Tsui
Manager, Community Planning and Partnerships
T. 905 713 1211 ext 12360 | Joachim.Tsui@ycdsb.ca

Navigating the LTAP – What’s Happening in my Neighbourhood?

Find my Review Area

To access your Elementary/Secondary school Review Area, please use the Find my Review Area tool. Click the search box and type in an address or choose use current location to find the Elementary and Secondary school Review Area in which you are located.

Next Steps

Key Milestones

Target Date (approximate)

Communications and Public input Launch – LTAP Project Page and release of the draft LTAP for comment

May 2024

Public Open House Session(s) – approximately 3 (Newmarket/Aurora, Markham and Vaughan)

September 2024

Conclude public feedback

Early October 2024

Debrief of feedback received

Late October 2024

Final LTAP document and Report

November 2024

Communication to school community of final LTAP document

November/ December 2024


A Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) is a comprehensive, multi-year planning document that outlines the utilization of current facilities and possible accommodation initiatives that respond to changing demographics within York Region and program and partnership needs.

The LTAP is a key piece of the Board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan and is guided by Ministry of Education legislation and expectations.

The LTAP outlines a set of planning principles and parameters that assist in guiding the development of the plan and subsequent accommodation decision making. The Plan also includes enrolment projections, demographic trends, school information and outlines a Summary of Accommodation Initiatives.

The development and implementation of the LTAP is a critical component to the success of YCDSB’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan. Guided by the Ministry of Education’s expectations and in compliance with the YCDSB’s values of “Catholicity, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Excellence, Fiscal Responsibility, Integrity and Respect”, the LTAP focuses on sustainable solutions to specifically identify and address YCDSB’s:

  • Excess space and growth needs
  • Sustainability of facility needs for current programs
  • Opportunities for new programs and partnerships; and
  • Opportunities to redirect fixed resources.

The Summary of Accommodation Initiatives outlines a set of recommended initiatives / action items throughout YCDSB schools that are developed with consideration of the Board’s Accommodation Principles and Parameters. Accommodation Initiatives are listed by type of initiative, including:

  • Community planning and partnerships
  • Property – new schools and additions / renovations
  • Temporary Accommodation Strategies
  • Secondary dual/triple feeder areas
  • Enrolment pressures – excess capacity and pupil accommodation reviews

Initiatives are organized in short (1-2 years), medium (3-5 years) and long-term (+5) format. Each initiative involves further investigation, analysis and may include additional discussions with the local community. Accommodation planning is a dynamic process and as such accommodation initiatives are viewed as proposed solutions and may change with the changing accommodation pressures of the Board.

The LTAP is developed every four to five years and reviewed annually. The most recent LTAP was developed for the 2019-2024 time period and as such, a comprehensive review of the Plan is needed.

The LTAP focuses on the four (4) Rs:

  • “Right Program” (student success, elementary and / or secondary initiatives);
  • “Right Facility” (physical space in the building, school yard and parking lot);
  • “Right Size” (student placements, school organization); and
  • “Right Location” (geography)

While there are some new additions or schools planned, the overall enrolment continues to decline and there is projected to be an increasing number of smaller schools and surplus space in existing schools. As the Province has a moratorium (temporary pause) on pupil accommodation reviews (school closures) since 2017, the importance of initiatives like partnerships and boundary reviews is more prominent.


Enrolment projection methodology can be found in Section 15 of the YCDSB LTAP document on our website!

Yes, the York Catholic District School Board is circulated on all residential development plans by municipalities. The Planning Department utilizes the information on units and phasing in developing enrolment projections.

The YCDSB Planning Department is in regular communication with municipalities and developers to track development and unit occupancy.


At this point there are no plans to close any school.  The Provincial government imposed a moratorium (temporary suspension) on school closures in 2017, at this time it is unknown when the moratorium may be lifted.

Key Milestones

Target Date (approximate)

Communications and Public input Launch - LTAP Project Page and release of the draft LTAP for comment

May 2024

Public Open House Session(s) – approximately 3 (Newmarket/Aurora, Markham and Vaughan)

September 2024

Conclude public feedback

Early October 2024

Debrief of feedback received

Late October 2024

Final LTAP document and Report

November 2024

Communication to school community of final LTAP document

November/ December 2024


Section 9 of the YCDSB LTAP lists the candidate schools for potential facility partnerships, as of school year 2023-2024. However, opportunities are not limited solely to the facilities listed in Section 9.

The Planning department works with organizations and internal/external partners if space is available. Where there is interest, proposals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Partnerships are applicable when a school is operating with excess capacity projected over a number of years and one or more of the following parameters apply:

  • A school is not part of an active accommodation review;
  • The school has available classrooms once a chapel, music and more resource rooms have been allocated.

For eligibility requirements for potential partnerships, refer to Board Policy 704.