Complaint Process

“In life we all make many mistakes. Let us learn to recognize our errors and ask forgiveness.”
Pope Francis

The office of HREA provides a safe environment to voice concerns should one feel they have been treated unfairly, discriminated against or harassed (Code-related).

We shall provide advice to all stakeholders of the Board who require information on harassment, discrimination or related Board policies and procedures. We will treat all matters in a highly confidential and professional environment.

The Human Rights Complaints Procedure

The Ontario Human Rights Code (the Code) works together with other legislation such as AODA and OSHA to protect all Ontarians from discrimination and harassment. To meet our obligations under the Code we have developed an interim complaints process to address any issues of harassment or discrimination based on the code grounds.

  1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  2. Ontario’s Human Rights Code
  3. The Education Act
    • Education Act regulations
    • Policy/Program Memoranda
    • School Board policies

Complaint Process

Classroom Concern (Student/Student)

HREA is available throughout process for Consultation

  1. Contact Teacher – If concern not resolved;
  2. Contact Principal – If concern not resolved;
  3. Contact Appropriate Superintendent – If concern not resolved;
  4. HREA or;
  5. HREA to decide on External Consultation and other processes available

School Concern (Student/Student or Teacher-EI/EA/Student or Staff/Staff)

HREA is available throughout process for Consultation

  1. Contact Principal – if concern not resolved;
  2. Contact Appropriate Superintendent – concern not resolved;
  3. HREA or;
  4. HREA to decide on External Consultation and other processes available

All School related concerns (School Community)

HREA is available throughout process for Consultation

  1. Contact Principal – if concern not resolved;
  2. Contact Appropriate Superintendent – concern not resolved;
  3. HREA or;
  4. HREA to decide on External Consultation and other processes available

All substantive Human Rights complaints across the Board (Community/Trustees)

  1. HREA or;
  2. HREA to decide on External Consultation and other processes available

graphical representation of the complaints process

There are three processes available at YCDSB for dealing with human rights issues:

To make a complaint, kindly fill out the Human Rights, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Incident Reporting form.