Treaty Recognition Week is November 5-11, 2017

YCDSB, along with the province of Ontario, acknowledges November 5-11th as Treaties Recognition Week.

Treaties formalize the relationship between the Crown and First Nations groups. These agreements were signed between 1781 and 1930. During Treaty Recognition Week, we acknowledge the many Treaties that the Canadian Government signed with the First Peoples of this land.

Those treaties mean that all people in Canada, all of us, are Treaty people. We have an obligation to ensure that the Treaties signed be honoured. We recognize that Indigenous Peoples were the original occupants of the land. As we continue to walk together, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, we acknowledge the traditional territory upon which we gather.

During treaties Recognition Weeks, school communities across the York Catholic District School Board will spend time reflecting, praying, and learning about treaties.

Treaty Week Prayer

Let us remember that our Indigenous neighbours gently walked this land.

Let us remember that Treaties are promises.

Let us respect those promises.

Let us remember all of the promises in our lives.

Let us respect those promises.

Let us remember that bullying causes pain and hurt.

Let us remember to be kind to everyone.

Let us remember to stick up for someone who is being bullied.

Let us remember to treat others the way we want to be treated.

Let us remember to love our neighbours.
