Black Canadian Heroes Presentation and Drumming Workshop

In anticipation of Black History Month in February, we will be welcoming Mr. Babarinde Williams to St. Marguerite d’Youville on Wednesday, January 22 for a school assembly and drumming workshops. 

The assembly presentation entitled “Black Canadian Heroes” chronicles the lives and times of Canadians of African descent. Students at St. Marguerite d’Youville will have the opportunity to learn about: 

  • Figures of the Underground Railroad; 
  • Mathieu de Costa (First man of African descent to visit Canada); 
  • Josiah Henson (Author, abolitionist and minister); 
  • Harriet Tubman (American abolitionist and political activist; nicknamed “Moses”); 
  • Elijah McCoy (African-Canadian mechanical engineer and inventor);
  • Dr. Anderson Ruffin (First Canadian-born licensed black physician); 
  • Richard Pierpoint (Exceptionally brave black loyalist soldier);
  • William Hall (First black Canadian sailor, as well as the first black Canadian to receive the Victoria Cross). 

After the assembly, students will also take part in an interactive drumming workshop. The goal of the workshop is to reveal the mysteries of traditional African drumming and rhythms in an interactive session. Students will be taught hand drumming, African chants (ante-phonal calls and responses) and a short tutorial on the origins of drums and drumming in Africa. The session will help students build team spirit and self-confidence using African polyrhythm as a metaphor. Music is employed as a practical vehicle representing Ubuntu (humanity) showing our interconnectedness as a community.