Celebrating St. Teresa of Calcutta

On Thursday, November 3, 2016, the school community of Mother Teresa CES gathered to celebrate the canonization of the school’s namesake.

Father Carlos was the keynote speaker for this event. He spoke about Mother Teresa’s journey to sainthood and held the audience captive with his words and insight.  Father Carlos has traveled the world speaking about saints and inspired the large audience at the Markham school with stories about Mother Teresa’s dedication to serving some of the most vulnerable people on Earth.

YCDSB Director of Education, Patricia Preston, and School Superintendent, Nancy Di Nardo were also in attendance. Director Preston brought greetings from the Broad and also spoke elegantly about Mother Teresa. The school’s students lead the celebration and performed songs and prayers.

Mother Teresa Catholic Elementary School opened in 1980, a year after the school’s namesake was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. After Mother Teresa’s death in 1997, the Holy See began the process of beatification, the third step toward canonization. She was declared Blessed Mother Teresa by 2003 and 13 years later, on September 4, 2016, she was declared a saint by Pope Francis.

Stephanie Busato, Music Teacher at Mother Teresa CES created this video presentation about Mother Teresa, that was played during the school’s canonization celebrations.