Children’s Nutrition Presentation: A Whole Foods Approach

St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Elementary School in Thornhill held a Children’s Nutrition Workshop for parents on November 15, 2016.

The interactive workshop featured Deanna Lombardi Konecny, Nutritional Therapist & Paleo Nutritionist, and Andrea Lombardi, Physician Assistant, who spoke with parents about healthy food choices for children and youth. Parents found the workshop to be informative and engaging as it discussed lifelong health, food marketing techniques, and information about processed foods and additives in foods.

The key message emphasized during the workshop was that there are two components of a well-formulated diet for children: firstly, eating whole foods and reduce the amount of highly processed foods; secondly, reduce sugar intake. Also highlighted in the workshop was that there are three macro-nutrients that children need to eat regularly in their diet: quality protein, good fats, and healthy carbohydrates.

St. Joseph the Worker CES thanks everyone who contributed to the event, as well as all of the parents who attended.