St. Michael CA students discuss inclusive behaviours, welcoming others

Students at St. Michael Catholic Academy in Thornhill participated in a school-wide activity to promote compassion and inclusivity during Anti-Bullying/Pro-Compassion Week, November 21- 25.

Students from the school’s social justice club called, Luke 4:18, read an announcement over the school’s PA system every morning that promoted inclusion. All staff at the school created a “Photo Story” of the book, One by Kathryn Otoshi, which helped to launch discussions with students.  One is a story about accepting each other’s differences and standing together, united. All students at the school also painted circles on a 15 foot banner to create an abstract art work illustrating the connection that everyone in the school community has with each other; it also emphasized welcoming and inclusive feelings that are created when we invite others into our circle.  The banner will be hung in the school’s grand hall where it will serve as a reminder of what was learned, and what can be created together.