Course Attendance

In accordance with the Teachers Qualification Regulation, attendance in all classes is mandatory. Absences may jeopardize successful completion of the course. If an emergency occurs that requires an absence, candidates are to inform the instructor as soon as possible. Instructors will provide candidates with updated e-mail addresses and/or phone numbers.

Attendance Policy – Implementation Guideline

When a candidate informs the instructor of an absence, it is up to the instructor, with the prior approval of the Additional Qualifications Program Officer, to determine if a make-up assignment will be required. In the event of an emergency, the candidate must liaise with the instructor about the completion of assignments. Other absences should be given a make-up assignment equivalent to the amount of time missed.

The instructor should ensure that the assignment is meaningful and reflects number of hours missed. If a candidate misses 2 classes, the instructor must notify the candidate that any additional absences will place him/her at risk for course completion.