2nd Annual Mental Health Symposium at St. John Paul II

St. John Paul II Catholic Elementary School in Richmond Hill recently held its 2nd annual Mental Health Symposium. Grade 4 – 8 students participated in the half-day symposium, which was filled with informative and engaging presentations, and workshops.

The morning began with a presentation by Dr. Bucci and Ms. Rodrigues about the importance of mental well-being and its connection to the young brain.

The students also had an opportunity to participate in various break-out workshops in smaller groups with special guests to the school.  Mr. Somosi, a Metis educational presenter, inspired students with his workshop on how drumming can  calm the mind, and the connection the beat makes to our physical self. The school thanks Mr. Somosi for his presentation. It also thanks the other presenters: Ms. August, Ms. Kibel, and Ms. Saunders, and Ms. Wilson, as well as Ms. Sorrento and Ms. Turko from the school, who also facilitated other break-out sessions. It was an informative, interactive morning for the school community.