Stay Well

We’re all in this together!

It is important that you take care of your emotional and mental health, and physical well-being.

Are you:

  • Feeling insecure about your future?
  • Feeling lonely and missing your family?
  • Experiencing a lack of motivation with regards to schoolwork and assignments?
  • Connecting less with family and friends?
  • Not sleeping or eating well?

These are all sentiments associated with stress, which are perfectly normal and understandable considering the current environment we find ourselves in.

This prolonged period of isolation and uncertainty is highly unusual and challenging to cope with. Dealing with a global pandemic is difficult for those of us living with our families, and even more emotionally demanding for individuals living far from their families, including York Catholic District School Board international students. We want to offer our support by providing you with information regarding resources available to you.

You may find the following articles on student wellness and coping helpful:

Some international students are remaining in Ontario for the upcoming summer months instead of returning home, which is yet another disruption to their previously arranged plans. If you are in this situation, it is important that you remain active, both physically and mentally, to maintain your well-being. Here are some ideas for activities to help fill your days:

  • Create and maintain a daily exercise routine, utilizing free online workout and yoga videos;
  • Go for nature walks in nearby trails/neighbourhoods;
  • Listen to music instead of engaging in excessive screen time on a daily basis;
  • Online order and enjoy puzzles, create artwork or other creative outlet;
  • Remain connected to friends, virtually for now, and in person when permitted by Public Health;
  • Virtually connect frequently with family back home, both to reinforce your feelings of support and to put your family members’ minds at ease about your well-being.

If these tactics are not helpful to you and you are experiencing intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness or harmful thoughts, we encourage you to consult with a professional such as a medical doctor, a psychologist, a social worker, a nurse practitioner, or other regulated mental health
providers. Additional resources available include:

Please ensure that the term of your health insurance plan covers the entire period you are living in Ontario, so that you could take advantage of mental health services covered by StudyInsured. If you only purchased coverage for the 10 months ending June 30, 2020 and require two additional months of coverage, please submit your request via email.

On behalf of the York Catholic District School Board’s International Program and our school principals and teachers, we pray for your health, strength and happiness!