- Boundary Review
- A review undertaken to alter the existing boundary of a school or group of schools. This may apply to an area with a new school opening, or in areas where enrolment distribution does not efficiently utilize available capacity. A Local Boundary Review Committee carries out the boundary review process. Boundary reviews follow a Board approved process, which includes a public consultation process when impacting existing students.
- Business Day
- A calendar day that is not a weekend or statutory holiday. It also does not include calendar days that fall within the Board’s Christmas, spring, and summer break. For schools with a year-round calendar, any break that is five (5) calendar days or longer is not a business day.
- Community Partner
- An external individual(s) or organization who expresses an interest to the Board as part of the Community Planning and Partnership process. Community partnerships can include co-built facilities, leases, licenses and joint-use agreements for partners to utilize a Board facility or property.
- Community Planning
- A collaborative process involving multiple public agencies to review the use of public facilities in the delivery of public services.
- Community Planning and Partnership Process
- Guided by the Board’s Community Planning and Partnership policy (#704) and Guidelines, the process involves the seeking out of partnership opportunities with various levels of government and community agencies as potential community partners in order to share facilities in a manner that supports the Board’s Mission, Vision, and Strategic Commitments in the Multi-year Strategic Plan and is in keeping with the guidelines and expectations of the Ministry of Education.
- Consultation
- The sharing of relevant information, as well as, providing the opportunity for municipalities and other community partners, the public and affected school communities to seek clarification and/or give feedback for consideration.
- Dual Track
- A school with both regular (English-language program) curriculum, and French Immersion curriculum.
- Long Term
- Sustainable at 90% utilization for a minimum of 25 years
- Medium Term
- Sustainable at 90% utilization for a minimum of 7 years
- Short Term
- Any term of 7 years or less
- Facility Condition Index (FCI)
- A building condition as determined by the Ministry of Education by calculating the ratio between the three-year renewal needs and the replacement value for each facility.
- Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP)
- A comprehensive planning document reviewing the utilization of current facilities, and possible accommodation initiatives to address the changing demographics in a particular region. It provides enrolment projections and identifies issues and sustainable strategies to address surplus space and growth needs, sustainability of facility needs for “current” programs, opportunities for “New Programs & Partnerships” and, opportunities to “redirect” fixed resources. These strategies range from new schools and additions, temporary accommodations, boundary reviews, program considerations, facility partnerships and pupil accommodation reviews.
- On-The-Ground Capacity (OTG)
- The rated capacity for a facility (number of students the permanent structure can accommodate) as indicated on the Ministry of Education’s School Facilities Inventory System which is a database containing facility-related data of all schools in Ontario.
- Port-a-Pak
- A pre-engineered grouping of multiple temporary classrooms (portables) assembled under a common roof with a common hallway that may or may not be attached to a permanent building.
- Public Delegation
- A presentation by an individual or a group of individuals to the Board of Trustees at a meeting of the Board, made in accordance with Board policies and procedures in respect to public delegations, which permits the individual or group of individuals to have their concerns heard directly by the Board of Trustees.
- Pupil Accommodation Review (PAR)
- A review of a school or group of schools where accommodation issues have been identified. Such accommodation issues may arise from enrolment pressures, excess surplus space, building condition concerns, program changes or changing demographics. Accommodation reviews follow a Board approved policy and process, including public consultation. There are two types of pupil accommodation reviews: “Standard” and Modified.
- Pupil Accommodation Review Committee (PARC)
- The PARC is a component of the “standard” Pupil Accommodation Review process. It is an advisory committee, established by the Board that represents the affected school(s) of a Pupil Accommodation Review. The PARC provides feedback to the School Board on proposed accommodation options for a school or group of schools in a particular area and the impact on the local school community.
- Pupil Accommodation Review Public Meeting
- An open meeting held by Board staff to gather broader community feedback on a pupil accommodation review.
- Pupil Accommodation Review Committee (PARC) Working Meeting
- A meeting of PARC members to discuss a pupil accommodation review, including the gathering of feedback from the affected school communities of a pupil accommodation review.
- Regular Track
- Regular (English-language program) curriculum, with core French.
- School Information Profiles (SIP)
- An orientation document with point-in-time data for each of the schools under a pupil accommodation review.
- Reports
- Initial Staff Report (Report 1)
- A report drafted by Board staff containing option(s) and identifying a preferred option with a recommendation to Trustees with respect to a school or schools that should be subject to a pupil accommodation review process or a modified pupil accommodation review process.
- Final Staff Report with Community Consultation (Report 2)
- A report drafted by Board staff to the Board of Trustees with respect to a Pupil Accommodation Review process or a Modified Pupil Accommodation Review process that also incorporates information obtained during community consultations. This Final Staff Report may, or may not, include the same option(s) as contained in the Initial Staff Report related to a pupil accommodation review process.
- Final Staff Report with Public Delegations Addendum (Report 3)
- The Final Staff Report drafted by Board staff that also incorporates information obtained from public delegations (and any staff response to such information) as an addendum.
- School Information Profiles (SIP)
- An orientation document with point-in-time data for each of the schools under a pupil accommodation review.
- Single Track
- A school with only one stream of curriculum.
- Utilization
- The measurement of the physical use of the school facility based on the comparison of Enrolment to the On-The-Ground (OTG) Capacity of the school.