- Background
- The Board is responsible for fostering student achievement and well-being and ensuring effective stewardship of the Board’s resources. In this regard, the Board is responsible for deciding the most appropriate pupil accommodation arrangements for the delivery of elementary and secondary programs. The Board may from time to time be required to consider school consolidations and school closures by undertaking an accommodation review process that is consistent with the Board’s Pupil Accommodation Review Policy and Operating Procedure. These are the terms of reference applicable to the Pupil Accommodation Review Committee (“PARC“) established for the South Woodbridge East Pupil Accommodation Review.
- Mandate
- The PARC is an advisory committee established by the Board that represents the school(s) affected by a pupil accommodation review and which acts as the official conduit for information shared between the Board and the affected school communities.
- The PARC provides feedback with respect to Staff Report(s) and the options set out therein and may also present alternative accommodation option(s), including rationale for the option(s), recognizing the principles outlined in the Background section. The overall goal of the PARC is to provide the local perspective of stakeholders impacted by the decision of the Board of Trustees, and to provide constructive feedback to the Director of Education regarding the Initial Staff Report, School Information Profile (“SIP“), options, and preferred option.
- The final decision regarding the future of a school or a group of schools rests solely with the Board of Trustees.
- This PARC is formed with respect to the following school(s)
- Immaculate Conception
- St. Francis of Assisi
- St. Gabriel the Archangel
- St. John Bosco
- Membership of the PARC
- The members of the PARC will be:
- at least one parent / guardian representative from each school under review and one alternate parent/guardian, chosen by the school community; and
- such other persons as appointed by the Director of the Board.
- Board staff from various areas of responsibility, such as School Superintendents, School Principal(s), and Finance, Facilities, Transportation and Planning staff members may be assigned to act as resources to the PARC.
- The members of the PARC will be:
- Roles and Responsibilities of the PARC Members
- The Chair of the PARC, appointed by the Director of Education, will facilitate the PARC process and will ensure it is consistent with the Board’s Policy and Operating Procedure.
- PARC members are expected to attend working meetings and participate in the process.
- PARC members are expected to attend an orientation session. At the orientation session, PARC members will learn about the mandate, roles and responsibilities and procedures of the PARC.
- Roles and Responsibilities of Resources to the PARC
- Board Staff from various areas of responsibility will assist as required with answering questions, providing clarification and will document and compile feedback for inclusion in Staff Reports.
- Roles and Responsibilities of the PARC
- The PARC will be provided with copies of the Initial Staff Report and the SIPs for each school under review.
- The PARC will review the SIP for each school under review.
- A SIP is an orientation document with point-in-time data for each of the schools under a pupil accommodation review. The SIP is intended to help the PARC and the school community understand the context surrounding the decision to include the specific school(s) in a pupil accommodation review.
- The PARC may request clarification with respect to information provided in the SIP.
- It is not the role of the PARC to approve the SIP.
- The PARC will review the information provided and accommodation options proposed in the Initial Staff Report and will seek clarification, ask questions and provide feedback as necessary.
- The Initial Staff Report is drafted by Board staff. It identifies accommodation issues, sets out one or more options to address accommodation issues, identifies a recommended option if more than one is proposed, and includes proposed timelines for implementation.
- The PARC will provide feedback with respect to the options in the Initial Staff Report prior to the first Accommodation Review Public Meeting.
- The PARC may provide alternative option(s) to those set out in the Initial Staff Report. The PARC must provide supporting rationale for the alternative option(s).
- PARC members are not required to reach consensus with respect to the comments and feedback that will be provided to the Board of Trustees.
- The comments, feedback, and any alternative option(s) will be collected and compiled by Board staff in the form of meeting notes. This information will be included in the Community Consultation Section of the Final Staff Report presented to the Board of Trustees.
- Meetings of the PARC
- The PARC will hold at least three (3) working meetings (not including the orientation meeting) to discuss the pupil accommodation review. The PARC may choose to hold additional working meetings as deemed necessary within the timelines established by the Pupil Accommodation Review Policy and Operating Procedure, at the discretion of the PARC Chair.
- At working meetings the PARC will review the materials presented to it by Board staff, may solicit input from the affected school communities, and will provide feedback to Board staff.
- PARC working meetings will be open to the public, however, the public may not participate in such meetings, unless specifically requested by the PARC to provide input from the affected school communities.
- PARC working meetings will be deemed to be properly constituted even if all members are not in attendance. There is no quorum required for an PARC working meeting.
- The PARC will be deemed to be properly constituted even if one or more members resign or do not attend working meetings of the PARC.
- Meeting notes of PARC working meetings will be prepared.
- PARC members may attend the Accommodation Review Public Meetings, held by Board staff.
- PARC working meeting dates are established by the Chair in consultation with the PARC.
PARC Orientation Session (For PARC members only) -
February 24, 2016 (6:00 pm)March 1, 2016 (6:00 pm) March 2, 2016 (6:00 pm) - PARC Working Meeting #1 - March 2, 2016 (7:00 pm)
- PARC Working Meeting #2 - April 20, 2016 (6:00 pm)
- PARC Working Meeting #3 - May 3, 2016 (6:00 pm)
- PARC Working Meeting #4 - June 7, 2016 (6:00 pm)
PARC Orientation Session (For PARC members only) -