Centro Scuola partnership continues to fund Italian language instruction in YCDSB schools

We are pleased to announce that the York Catholic District School Board has recently received $436,502 in contributions from Centro Scuola to support the Board’s International Language Italian Extended-Day Program.

Centro Scuola e Cultura Italiana is a non-profit organization that works to promote, develop and improve the teaching of the Italian language in Canada, and preserve the heritage of Italian Canadians while passing it along to future generations.

The Italian Language Extended-Day Program is funded by two sources: Ministry of Education funding and Centro Scuola contributions. Centro Scuola has been a valued partner and significant contributor to the program since 1999. We would like to thank Centro Scuola for its continual support.  The Italian Language Extended-Day Program is currently being offered to approximately 7,000 students in 21 schools across the YCDSB and provides students with a valuable opportunity to learn another language and culture.

two students sti in front of a laptop in a classroom setting

Studies have shown that students who study additional languages display higher academic performance and have increased career options available to them. In addition, educational research has shown that learning an international language facilitates the learning of both the English language and other languages, provides cultural enrichment to schools and helps to develop an appreciation for diversity and intercultural understanding.

The YCDSB International Language Extended-Day Program (Elementary) is offered through the Board’s Continuing Education Department. Information about the Extended-Day Italian Program is available on the YCDSB website or by calling 416- 221-5051, ext. 13633.