Nov. 29th Prayer

November 29, 2022 all day

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Listen to this prayer for justice:

God, you created us all in your own likeness.

We thank you for the wonderful diversity of races and cultures in your world. Enrich our lives through ever-widening circles of people’s feelings and understanding; show us your presence in those most different from us, so that in all our relationships, both by what we have in common and by things in which we differ, we may come to know you more fully in your creation, for you are Father, Son and Holy Spirit forever.  Amen.

In 1989 the Berlin Wall, separating East and West Berlin, was demolished. This wall was a symbol of conflict and division. When the wall came down, people danced and cheered. Sometimes walls of hatred and fear separate us from other people. Jesus asks us to seek forgiveness from those we have hurt. We are also asked to forgive those who have hurt us. OCGE7c

Dear God, in our lives, help us  to:
Tear down the walls of fear
Tear down the walls of hatred
Tear down the walls of anger
Tear down the walls of envy
Tear down the walls of lies
Tear down the walls of bullying
Lead us in the dance of love
Lead us to forgiveness
Lead us to healing, Lead us to peace,
Lead us to justice, Lead us to Your love.

With courage, compassion, strength and hope we will walk together on the journey of healing.

Let us conclude with an Advent prayer:

God’s hope to direct me.
God’s love to surround me.
God’s joy to warm me.
God’s peace to comfort me.
Bless our Advent journey to Christmas with light and patience.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.