When can I switch my child between in-person face-to-face and remote learning?

If parents wish to transition their child from in-person face-to-face to remote learning, they may do so at any time. Principals will accommodate parent requests for their child to move from remote to in-person face-to-face learning where there is enough space in the classroom to maintain physical distancing. Classes have been composed honouring physical distancing, … Continue reading “When can I switch my child between in-person face-to-face and remote learning?”

Will all remote teachers lose their job?

No permanent staff have lost their teaching positions and most of our non-permanent (supply teachers) have been placed in teaching positions at this point in time.

How will teachers address the needs of special needs students in this model? How will Core Resource teachers connect with remote students and ensure privacy?

In order to meet the needs of Special Education students in this model, the Core Resource teacher will meet with the classroom teacher to ensure that the IEP (Individual Education Plan) goals and accommodations are being met. The students will be assigned a specific time to log into a google meet with the Core Resource … Continue reading “How will teachers address the needs of special needs students in this model? How will Core Resource teachers connect with remote students and ensure privacy?”

How will Physical Education take place remotely?

Teachers will provide asynchronous physical activities for the remote students to do when the face-to-face class has Physical Education. A waiver will be sent to parents to sign and return for Physical Education at Home.