While we practice social distancing, it is important to continue to recognize the importance of being truly present to one another, in other ways. Feel free to adapt this prayer in your household and may God bless you always.
We approach you God,
ever confident in Your compassionate mercy and protection.
At this time,
we find ourselves walking in unknown lands
yet we trust that You continue to guide our paths.
Our needs are many.
In Your goodness, turn Your ear to us
and hear our pleas.
Give strength to those caring for our sick.
Give wisdom to those searching for a cure.
Give courage to those labouring to meet our needs.
Grant healing to the sick.
Grant loving consolation to the frightened and weary.
During this time of fasting from the sacraments,
help us to find Your presence in other ways.
As we carry this cross,
and wait patiently at the tomb,
keep us mindful of the resurrection.
May Your Son, the Great Physician
and the Holy Spirit, the Giver of Peace,
come quickly to our aid.