Purchasing Services


It is the policy of the Board that the purchase of goods and services follow processes that are consistent, open, and transparent, demonstrate exemplary financial practices, and provide maximum return on investment with respect to quality and quantity and to demonstrate ethical, professional and accountable behaviour in the Board’s supply chain.

The Purchasing Department obtains goods and services on behalf of schools and administrative offices in compliance with the Purchase, Lease and Rental of Products and Services policy and the Purchasing Reference Guide.

The Board supports the concept of centralized purchasing as a means of obtaining maximum value for each dollar spent, consistent with the educational goals of the Board and fair and open business principles.

Authority to purchase on behalf of the Board is delegated to the Manager, Purchasing Services (and his or her designates) under the authority of the Senior Manager, Business Services & Assistant Treasurer.

The York Catholic District School Board is accountable to the public for the fiscally and ethically responsible purchase, lease and rental of products and services used in the schools, facilities and departments of the Board.

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Purchasing Services Inquiries: