What are the benefits of Active School Travel?

Improved physical and mental health and overall wellbeing including stronger immune systems, social development and improved academic performance reduced vehicle congestion on our school sites and in our neighbourhoods, and reduced air pollution and CO2 emissions View more information, including our guidelines (reviewed and supported by York Region Public Health).

What should my child(ren) consider when walking or biking to school?

Stay at least two metres away from other families, school staff, crossing guards and other pedestrians. Greet neighbours, friends and crossing guards with a smile, wave, bow or nod. Remember to maintain physical distance when waiting to cross the road, if you cannot physically distance wear a mask. When walking children that must be supervised … Continue reading “What should my child(ren) consider when walking or biking to school?”

What is my school’s Active School Travel plan?

Schools will share their own active school travel plan to ensure that students are dropped off and picked up according to these guidelines, and to set rules specific to their school situation including use of bike/scooter racks, Kindergarten hand-off procedures, entrance and dismissals. View more information, including our guidelines (reviewed and supported by York Region … Continue reading “What is my school’s Active School Travel plan?”

If my child(ren) walks or rides to school, what are some things that I should consider for Active School Travel?

As we prepare to return to school, it’s important that we remain focused on supporting our physical and mental health well-being and keeping our school zones safe. COVID-19 has led to changes in our day-to-day lives, and we all need to do our part to ensure the welfare of those around us. Active School Travel … Continue reading “If my child(ren) walks or rides to school, what are some things that I should consider for Active School Travel?”

Are respirators with exhaust valves or mingle masks acceptable forms of masks?

Respirators with exhaust valves According to Health Canada, some commercially available respirators have exhaust valves which are intended to make the respirator more comfortable for the person wearing it, but also allow infectious respiratory droplets to be released outside the respirator. Use of respirators with exhaust valves will not protect others from COVID-19. Please do … Continue reading “Are respirators with exhaust valves or mingle masks acceptable forms of masks?”

Do students have to maintain physical distancing even if they are wearing a face mask or covering?

Yes. All public health measures must still be maintained and promoted, including washing your hands often with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer, sneezing and coughing into your sleeve, staying home if you are ill and practicing physical distancing. These actions will reduce exposure to other people – this means staying at least … Continue reading “Do students have to maintain physical distancing even if they are wearing a face mask or covering?”

Can I wear a face shield instead of a face covering?

Face shields do not replace face coverings or masks. Your nose, mouth and chin must be covered. Face shields protect the wearer from respiratory droplets but do not protect those around them and must be worn with a mask.