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Reminder: Virtual Learning Starts Monday, Nov. 7

Dear Families of the York Catholic District School Board, We...
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York Catholic Moves to Synchronous Virtual Learning

Dear Families of York Catholic District School Board, Thank you...
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York Catholic Schools Are Closed on Friday, November 4

Dear Families of York Catholic District School Board, The situation...
Question Mark on a Blackboard

FAQs from Families about Possible Job Action

Will there be communications to parents regarding the CUPE job...
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More Information on Possible Job Action on Nov. 4

Dear Families of the York Catholic District School Board, As...

Response to Court Ruling on Student Trustees

Dear Catholic Education supporters across the Province of Ontario, We...
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Update on Provincial Bargaining and Possible Job Action

Dear Families of the York Catholic District School Board, On...

High School Open House

Open Houses to be held for students entering High School...

Thank You Early Childhood Educators

On Tuesday, October 18, 2022, the York Catholic District School...

June 21st Board Meeting

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, it is our...

YCDSB Students Receive the Schulich Leader Scholarship

The York Catholic District School Board proudly congratulates Neill Botushanski...
St. Robert CHS Math Contest Winners

St. Robert CHS students achieved World’s #1 team standing

The York Catholic District School Board is excited to share...
retiree recognition 2022

Retiree Recognition 2022

yrstf 2022 winners

York Region Science and Technology Fair – YRSTF 2022

Each year, young scientists, Grades 7 – 12, from across...

Winners in the Dominican Friars Youth Interfaith Video

Congratulations to the students from the St. Brother Andre Faith...
Yes I Can Awards 2022

2022 Yes I Can Awards

The York Catholic District School Board and The Council for...
Distinguished Alumni 2022

York Catholic Announces Distinguished Alumni Honorees for

The Board of Trustees of the York Catholic District School...

York Catholic Students Earn Provincial Recognition in OSCA

The office of the Premier of Ontario has recognized eleven...

YCDSB Students Reach Top of Competitive Stacking World!

National Team Places In Top 10 at Junior Olympics For...

St. Raphael The Archangel CES Chosen To Represent YCDSB

On September 19th St. Raphael the Archangel CES (SRA) hosted...

YCDSB celebrates World Teachers’ Day, October 5th

Held annually on October 5th since 1994, World Teachers’ Day...

October is Learning Disability Awareness Month

The York Catholic District School Board recognizes the month of...

October is International Walk to School Month

October is International Walk to School Month (IWALK), and on October...

Meet Your New Student Trustee: Teresa Siby

A Grade 11 student at St. Robert Catholic High School in Thornhill...

Open House for Regional Arts Program at St. Elizabeth CHS

Do you have a passion for dance, digital media, drama...

Sacred Heart CHS Student Mahta Gharaei A Worldwide

Elite Karate Competitor Adds ‘2019 Miss Teen Globe Americas’ Title...