YCDSB Golf Tournament Supports ShareLife

On Saturday, June 24, approximately 100 York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) staff and friends came together at Richmond Hill Golf Club for the 2nd Annual York Catholic Golf Tournament for ShareLife.

All proceeds were donated to ShareLife and because of the generosity of our participants and sponsors, the tournament raised almost $4,000 for ShareLife. Thanks to everyone for their giving spirit, which made this such a successful event.

This is just one of the ways that the YCSDB lives the Gospel values by supporting ShareLife. Every YCDSB school hosts a ShareLife fundraiser and 23 of the top 50 fundraising schools in the Archdiocese of Toronto are from the YCDSB.

ShareLife helps support over 40 different agencies throughout the community in order to serve the most vulnerable people. Regardless of their faith, age, or background, ShareLife actively lives the Gospel by helping those in need. For more information on how you can get involved or show your support, please visit: ShareLife

The YCDSB looks forward to carrying on with our ShareLife traditions in 2024, including this fun-filled day on the golf course. We hope to see you there!