Secondary Newcomer Assessment Process

Please note: Summer 2022 assessments will be done during the month of August. No assessments will be conducted in July.

Students are required to complete an initial assessment in English proficiency (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and Mathematics. This may take 3-4 hours. No preparation is required.

The results are used to help with the student’s English and Math placement at the receiving school. Also, the assessment provides the school with valuable background information such as:

  • Educational history
  • Academic strengths and weaknesses
  • Possible Special Education needs
  • Exposure to English instruction
  • Education plan
  • Other factors that could affect schooling

What Happens After the Assessment

The assessment teacher will:

  • Provide feedback to the student and family regarding assessment results, recommended equivalencies, and placement recommendations.
  • Provide the family with a referral package to bring to the receiving school, or send assessment results to the school via email.
  • Provide the receiving school with a detailed report regarding the placement.

ESL/ELD Centre Schools

All other students will be placed at their home school. Please note that the home school is based on the home address (exception: International VISA students).