Summer assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada

Newcomer Secondary Student Assessments Assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada need to be completed before a student can register for high school. Appointments for assessments can be booked by calling the Board’s head office (ext. 12433) or by emailing Registrations for all secondary students will take place at local Catholic high … Continue reading “Summer assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada”

York Catholic to accept registrations for elementary students during the summer

Elementary Student Registrations The York Catholic District School Board, which is one of the top-performing school boards in the province, welcomes New and Returning Students for the 2024-2025 school year!  Registrations for students entering elementary school, as well as assessments for secondary students who are new to Canada, will take place at the Board’s head … Continue reading “York Catholic to accept registrations for elementary students during the summer”