York Catholic’s Graduation Rate Is Best in Ontario

In 2022, York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) students once again led the province with their graduation rate – an incredible 97.3 per cent of YCDSB students earned their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) within five years of starting Grade 9. This figure compares to the 89.1 per cent of students provincewide who graduated from … Continue reading “York Catholic’s Graduation Rate Is Best in Ontario”

YCDSB Students Honoured by the Lieutenant Governor

Congratulations to the St. Brendan CES’s 2023 Tree Bee team, who were awarded certificates of achievement from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor on Friday, December 1, at the annual tree lighting ceremony. As was previously reported on ycdsb.ca, Mr. Rudderham’s then-Grade 6 class (the competition happened last school year) topped York Region for their … Continue reading “YCDSB Students Honoured by the Lieutenant Governor”

School-Parish Connection Is Strong at YCDSB

Congratulations to the Our Lady Queen of the World Catholic Academy community for supporting their local parish with delicious baked goods!  Students in Ms. Wang and Ms. Baptista’s hospitality classes recently baked various goodies that were sold at their local parish’s craft show. Their brownies, date squares, and lemon and banana loaves raised money for … Continue reading “School-Parish Connection Is Strong at YCDSB”

YCDSB WOW! Dr. Anna Garito

Congratulations and a great big WOW! goes out to Dr. Anna Garito. Dr. Garito is the Board Leadership Development Strategy Specialist and Additional Qualifications Program Officer at York Catholic District School Board. Over the summer, Dr. Garito was the official keynote speaker at the Dyslexia Intervention Conference for Professionals: International Perspectives, hosted by Peking University … Continue reading “YCDSB WOW! Dr. Anna Garito”