What is French Immersion?
The French Immersion Program is designed to provide non-francophone students with a high degree of proficiency in the French language. Students study subjects such as math, social studies and science in French in addition to the French language.
Do parents/guardians need to speak French?
No, parents/guardians do not need to speak French. The program is for students who are learning French as a Second Language. All communication with parents, including interviews and report cards, will be in English.
How will my child be introduced to French language?
Throughout the year, students are encouraged to communicate in French as they become more familiar and comfortable with the language. The teacher speaks in French and models the vocabulary and necessary phrases.
Why does the French Immersion start in Grade 1 at the York Catholic District School Board?
Research shows that students who start learning French early, like in Grade 1, have been found to reach a higher level of oral competency in French (oral fluency and use of spontaneous language) than those who start later.
How do I enrol my child?
All students interested in French Immersion must apply online here.
Is transportation provided?
Transportation eligibility is determined based on where you live. If you live outside the school’s boundary for the program, transportation is not available. Please refer to student tranportation for more detailed information about busing.
What are some of the benefits of learning a second language?
Online Resources
There are many resources designed to support the development of French language skills. Parents can refer to the following websites:
- http://www.audiofrench.com/
An online French audio dictionary with thousands of sound files, accompanying text, and video clips to help you learn, practice, and enjoy the French language.
- https://bonpatron.com/
French grammar correction tool.
- https://cpf.ca/
Canadian Parents for French provides information and sources for parents wanting to support their children’s FSL journey.
- http://www.fslhomeworktoolbox.ca
This site offers homework help for parents of students in French Immersion.
- https://www.idello.org/en
IDÉLLO offers thousands of rich, up-to-date educational resources in French.
- http://www.radio-canada.ca/jeunesse
CBC’s French children’s website has games and videos in French.
- http://www.tfo.org
The French Language Television Network’s website has educational games and content designed for French children in French Immersion programs.