Kindergarten FAQ’s

Kindergarten FAQ’s

York Catholic District School Board is one of the top-performing school boards in Ontario. We adhere to all Ministry of Education requirements, and the curriculum is enhanced by Gospel Values and Catholic Virtues, which are embedded in all learning. Students develop spiritually, intellectually, physically and socially.

York Catholic District School Board is guided by 7 Core Values which include: Catholicity, Excellence, Equity, Fiscal, Responsibility, Inclusion, Integrity and Respect. These Core Values reflect our commitment to inspiring all students to reach their full God-given potential. We offer a wide range of athletics, co-curricular activities and opportunities to volunteer in the school and community.

Yes, per our Admission to Elementary School Policy Policy 226A - Admission to Elementary Schools, either the registering child or a parent must be a baptized Catholic*, or the child must be baptized Christian Orthodox, in order to register in one of our Elementary schools.

*Note: A Baptismal certificate from a Roman Catholic Church or a Catholic Church in Communion with the Holy See of Rome (child or parent). Secondary schools do not require a baptismal certificate to register.

  1. Roman Catholic* Baptismal Certificate (student/parent)
  2. Proof of Age (i.e. birth certificate, passport)
  3. Proof of Residency - (a) & (b):
    (a) 1 of: purchase agreement, rental agreement or parent property tax bill, and
    (b) a utility bill
  4. Proof of Immigration Status in Canada (i.e. Canadian birth certificate or passport, Permanent Resident card, Refugee claimant document, etc.)
  5. Proof of English Separate School Support or completion of Direction of School Support & School Support Lease form (if applicable)

*Note: A Baptismal certificate from a Roman Catholic Church or a Catholic Church in Communion with the Holy See of Rome (child or parent). Secondary schools do not require a baptismal certificate to register.

That is a personal decision, but be reassured that many children are still 3 when they start school. Kindergarten educator teams are experts at ensuring that the learning is developmentally appropriate for every child. Note, the age children are eligible for school is legislated by the province.

For Junior Kindergarten, children must be four (4) years old by December 31.
For Senior Kindergarten, children must be five (5) years old by December 31.

Children starting JK must be four (4) years old by December 31, 2025. Children starting SK must be five (5) years old by December 31, 2025.

Your residential address will determine the school that your child(ren) will be eligible to attend based on the school boundary in our school locator

Acceptance at a school outside your boundary is subject to approval by the school Principal and Area Superintendent (registration is not guaranteed). Out of boundary registrations require registration at a family's home school first, either online or in paper form, along with submission of an "Out of Boundary Request Form" (TCH19), requesting the out of boundary school. If approved, the registration is transferred from the home school to the desired school.

Important Notes:

  • Transportation is not provided for out of boundary students.

Junior Kindergarten is not mandatory; however, your child will be placed age appropriately the following year into Senior Kindergarten.

From full days every day to attending only a few days a week, there is some flexibility depending on what works for your child and your family. Please register your child at your home school and contact the principal to discuss further.

Step 1:Parents can register online here. A confirmation email will be sent following submission of online registration form.

Step 2: Parents will be required to book a meeting at the school to produce required documentation.

Step 3: School will be in touch with a date and time to visit the school for an orientation session prior to the beginning of school.

Yes. Register online here and contact the admissions department during the month of July and August at (905) 713-1211 extension 13830 to book a registration appointment. 

Please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate, proof of address for the parent/legal guardian, and baptismal certificate.

Our French Immersion program begins when students enter Grade 1. To learn more, visit our French Immersion page.

York Catholic District School Board is guided by 7 Core Values which include: Catholicity, Excellence, Equity, Fiscal, Responsibility, Inclusion, Integrity and Respect. These Core Values reflect our commitment to inspiring all students to reach their full God-given potential.

Guided by Gospel Values and Catholic Virtues, in partnership with home and Church, we educate and inspire all students to reach their full potential in a safe and caring environment. Our students will become creative and critical thinkers who integrate Catholic Values into their daily lives, as socially responsible global citizens.

Kindergarten students enrich their Catholic faith life at school in these ways:

  • Participating in the prayer life of the school on a daily basis
  • Celebrating their faith in prayer services and masses
  • Experiencing the festivals and seasons of the liturgical year
  • Deepening their friendship with Jesus
  • Nurturing the relationships with the parish
  • Growing in virtue and character through story, song, drama and play
  • Belonging to a class and school community that values compassion, forgiveness and gratitude

Elementary school students are required to participate in the religious and faith life of the school.

The York Catholic District School Board supports the provision of childcare services for our students. School-based childcare (infant to 5 years) and/or Before and After School programs(4 to 12 years) are in place in many of our school locations.

For information regarding Before and After School Programs and fees, please visit

7:00AM-6:00PM. Please check with your specific operator for further details.

As soon as possible. Please click here to find your child care centre.

To confirm if your child qualifies for transportation, please visit Find Your Bus Stop. Here you will also find stop locations and service times.

If they are involved with the York Region Early Interventions Services (YREIS), they should speak to their Interventionist.
Please register for our Early Facilitation Parent Information Evening, January 30th, 2025. More details to follow.

An individual education plan (IEP) is a written plan that describes special education programs, accommodations and services that a school board will provide for a student. IEPs are based on a thorough assessment of a student’s strengths, needs and ability to learn and demonstrate learning.

If your child requires an IEP, the school team will meet and collaborate with you every year as it is a working document that will be reviewed and adjusted throughout the year.

Elementary-age children new to Canada can register online here or in paper format here.

Secondary-age children new to Canada take part in an English proficiency assessment at the Board office prior to registering at their school.

Please contact us for an appointment at (905) 713-1211 ext. 12433 or (416) 221-5050 ext.12433 or

Please visit our International Education Program website for information on our fee-paying International Education Program and review our application procedure for information on submitting an application. Please submit any questions regarding the program or application process to