- Before and After Care
Programs for children 4-12 years of age in all of our schools.
- Canada’s Food Guide
Provides recipes and tips for making healthy food choices and eating habits.
- Child Care
Early Learning and care programs for children birth to 6 years of age.
- Child & Family Centres
A range of free services and programs for parents/caregivers and their children birth to six years of age.
- Child Treatment Network
Health, education, and community services for children and their families.
- Early Intervention Services
Provides programs for children from birth to school entry who have developmental delays or disabilities due to birth factors.
- Health Connection
Free and confidential telephone service provided by York Region Community Health Services Department including health information and education, community resources, confidential counselling and consulting on health issues.
Phone-in support line which provides information about child care programs, early intervention services, preschool speech and language programs.
- Triple P Parenting Programs
Provides multi-level systems of parenting education and intervention designed to assist parents of children and adolescents.
- York Hills Child & Family Centres
Offers support for children and families who are experiencing social, emotional or behavioural difficulties. Parents can call directly or may be referred by other agencies.
- York Region Preschool Speech & Language Program
Provides assessment and intervention for speech and language delays and communication disorders in preschool children.
- York Region Dental Screening
Visual inspection of teeth and gums provided in licensed child care centres, Kindergarten, and Grades 2, 4, 6, and 8.