Student Transportation

Student Transportation

Student Transportation Services of York Region (STSYR) is a collaborative venture of the York Catholic and York Region District School boards and provides transportation to more than 53,000 students.
For information on bus routes, stop locations, times, late arrivals, cancellation, eligibility, registering a complaint, safety and general information, please contact the York Region Student Transportation Services School Bus Information Line at 1-877-330-3001, accessible 24 hours a day or visit the STSYR website.

Active School Travel

Active School Travel (AST) is the use of any form of human-powered travel, such as walking or wheeling (including cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding, or using a wheelchair) to get to and from school or to the school bus.

The York Catholic District School Board is committed to encouraging Active School Travel in all of our school communities and providing education on the many health benefits of Active Travel. In 2024, the Board created an Active School Travel Strategy to clarify the Board’s commitment to AST and set system expectations for schools with respect to communication and tools available to encourage AST initiatives.

Student Transportation and Active School Travel