In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s new Regulation 304, “School Year Calendar, Professional Activity Days,” the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) is providing the following summary of P.A. Day activities for Friday, October 20, 2023.
YCDSB P.A. Day: Friday, October 20, 2023
We would like to inform you that the next Professional Activity (PA) Day for our school board will be on Friday, October 20th, 2023. On this day, there will be no classes for students as our staff will be engaged in various professional learning activities.
The focus of the day in both elementary and secondary schools will be school improvement planning. Schools will be completing their plans for school improvement and setting goals for the year. Many different sources of data will be used for this purpose, including EQAO data and report card data. These plans will help us monitor and enhance student achievement and well-being throughout the year.
Teachers in elementary schools will also be in-serviced on the new language curriculum released by the Ministry of Education. This curriculum aims to develop students’ literacy skills across all subject areas and foster a love of reading and writing. Other topics for the morning include reviewing updates to curriculum regarding Indigenous education and Holocaust education. These topics are important for promoting equity, diversity, and social justice in our schools and society.
Secondary schools will also be reviewing the curriculum for the new grade 9 de-streamed language course. This course is designed to provide all students with the opportunity to develop their literacy skills and prepare them for success in any pathway they choose after graduation. The course will also emphasize critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills.
The afternoon sessions for both panels will focus on cyber security, providing training to staff regarding best practices with regard to all issues related to navigating the internet and protecting board data. Cyber security is a vital skill in the digital age, as we rely more and more on technology for learning and working. Another topic is mental health, building awareness among staff regarding this important issue. For Grade 7 and 8 staff, the afternoon will include an overview and introduction of the mandatory mental health literacy lessons for students in these grades. All other staff will complete generalized mental health training. Mental health is a key component of well-being, and we want to support our staff and students in maintaining a positive and healthy mindset.
We appreciate your understanding and support as we continue to provide quality education for our students. We hope you have a wonderful day with your children on October 20, 2023.