Academic Integrity and Appeal of AQ Designation
The AQ courses at YCDSB are offered to teaching professionals by certified and qualified course Instructors who have a deep understanding and appreciation of andragogy as well as the course material. Our focus is on supporting our candidates through an enriching professional learning experience while meeting the requirements set out through the Ontario College of Teachers.
Candidates are to ensure that they follow standards of academic integrity as related to academic honesty and the accurate representation of their work.
Instructors provide feedback to candidates throughout the course and use their professional judgement to assess and evaluate candidates. If a candidate wishes to pursue an informal review to dispute an assignment grade, they are asked to discuss their concerns with the course instructor.
If a candidate wishes to pursue a formal appeal to dispute their course designation, (“Recommended” or “Not Recommended”), they must notify anna.garito@ycdsbca via email within 2 weeks after the completion of the course stating the rationale for the request.
Attendance and Accommodation Procedure
In accordance with the Ontario College of Teachers Qualification Regulation, attendance in all classes is mandatory for successful completion of the course. This includes attendance in virtual or online classes as well as face to face classes. Absence may jeopardize successful attainment of the OCT designation of the AQ course.
Applicants requesting any AQ course accommodation are required to contact the AQ program officer by email,, at the time of registration.
In the event of an emergency which requires an absence, the candidate must inform his/her instructor via email as soon as possible, preferably before the absence occurs. Additional work or assignment(s) may be assigned by the Course Instructor in order to successfully complete the course expectations and should reflect the number of hours missed. Failure to complete the additional work or assignment(s) may result in an academic penalty.
In the event that a candidate misses 2 or more classes, the Course Instructor will communicate to the candidate and to the AQ Program Officer that the candidate is at risk of successful attainment of the Ontario College of Teachers designation of the AQ course.
Candidates may cancel a Registration Request without financial penalty up to the Registration Request Deadline. Please refer to the Tuition Refund Schedule for further details.
Candidates who have enrolled in a course that is subsequently cancelled by the York Catholic District School Board following the Registration Request Deadline will not be charged for tuition. They will be notified of the cancellation by email.
Course Evaluation by AQ Candidates
All candidates will have an opportunity to complete a course evaluation form at the completion of the AQ.
Evaluation of AQ Candidates
At the beginning of the AQ, candidates will be provided with the specific learning expectations and methods of assessment and evaluation used throughout the course. Course Instructors will share Success Criteria or Rubrics for each assignment and will provide ongoing feedback to candidates on their progress. Successful completion of any assignment is considered as a Level 3/4 on a Rubric.
The designation of the AQ Course to the Ontario College of Teachers will be on a “Recommended” or “Not Recommended” basis.
Prerequisites and Certificate of Successful Teaching Experience
All AQ prerequisites must be completed prior to being eligible to take the AQ course. If you are requesting a Part 2 or Specialist AQ course, your Certificate Of Successful Teaching Experience will appear as part of your registration.
This form must be signed by the Superintendent of Human Resources and submitted to anna.garito@ycdsbca
prior to being admitted into the course.
- For YCDSB employees, your Certificate Of Successful Teaching Experience will automatically be submitted to Human Resources for processing.
- For Non-YCDSB employees, please contact anna.garito@ycdsbca to obtain a copy of your Certificate Of Successful Teaching Experience to submit to your Superintendent of Human Resources for processing. This form must be signed and submitted to prior to the commencement of the AQ course.
QECO Evaluation
YCDSB Teachers who have completed an AQ with YCDSB requesting a letter for a revised QECO salary category placement are asked to email their request to anna.garito@ycdsbca stating their full name, OCT number, the AQ course successfully completed and the date of completion.
Tuition Refund and Course Withdrawal
Candidates are encouraged to consider their current teaching load, family obligations, the AQ academic load, and other considerations prior to registering for an AQ to ensure they are able to meet the commitments of the AQ course.
Candidates who have registered for an AQ Course and then wish to withdraw must email anna.garito@ycdsbca. Withdraws are effective on the date on which the notice of withdrawal request is received.
Only tuition fees paid may eligible for refunds upon withdrawal from the AQ course and may take up to 16 weeks to process. These refunds will be processed on a YCDSB pay stub for YCDSB employees and via mail for all non-YCDSB employees.
Tuition Refund Schedule
- Full refund of tuition fee paid for a course which is cancelled by York Catholic District School Board.
- Full refund of tuition fee paid, minus a non-refundable $50.00 administrative fee, if a candidate does not meet the course prerequisites or Certificate of Successful Teaching Experience and is deemed ineligible by the York Catholic District School, prior to the commencement of courses.
- A refund of 75% tuition fee, paid minus a non-refundable $50.00 administrative fee, for withdrawals after registering and before the AQ course commences.
- A refund of 50% tuition fee paid minus a non-refundable $50.00 administrative fee, for withdrawals after the first week and before the second week of courses.
- No refund for tuition fees paid will be issued after the second week of class.