Code of Conduct and Acceptable Use Guidelines

The YCDSB places excellence, equity, community and relationships at the heart of student success:

We are a Catholic Learning Community of collaborative partners, called to serve one another by being committed to and accountable for quality learning by all with Jesus as our inspiration.

Expected Behaviour

It is the expectation of the YCDSB that students will:

  • Demonstrate honesty and integrity
  • Respect differences in people, their ideas and opinions
  • Treat one another with dignity and respect, especially when there is disagreement
  • Respect and treat others fairly
  • Respect the rights of others
  • Take appropriate measures to help those in need
  • Seek assistance from their teachers to resolve conflict peacefully
  • Demonstrate respect for people in positions of responsibility
  • Respect the need of others to work in an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching
  • Be courteous and polite at all times

In particular, students taking eLearning courses will:

Respect the integrity of all on-line systems and networks

  • Respect all copyright laws
  • Respect the personal information and privacy of others
  • Be frequent, active and engaged participants in the learning program
  • Follow directions from teaching and administrative staff
  • Complete all assignments in a timely and thorough manner

Unacceptable Behaviour

It is the expectation of the YCDSB that students will not:

  • Engage in bullying or threatening behaviour
  • Engage in hate propaganda and other forms of behaviour motivated by hate or bias

In particular, students taking eLearning courses will not:

  • Share log-in credentials with anyone else
  • Knowingly upload any file or program that contains a virus, malware or other malicious code
  • Reproduce course content including assessments, electronic mail correspondences, digital capture, discussion or chat threads in any fashion and to any other server
  • Use anyone else’s D2L Brightspace account
  • Write, use, send download/upload or display any information that is hostile, insulting to others, obscene, threatening, or otherwise offensive
  • Discuss in any open forum (e.g., discussion forum or chat thread) information that is critical of another individual
  • Engage in any of the following acts of academic misconduct:
    The act or attempted act of deception, in which a student falsely represents that he/she has learned information in an academic exercise, including unauthorized collaboration with others.
    Representing the words, data or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise. This includes both using another person’s work and the work of Artificial Intelligence.
    Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another student commit academic misconduct such as substituting for a test or completing an assignment for someone else.

When Board and school rules are violated, whether in traditional face-to-face classes or eLearning courses, students can expect that appropriate and progressive discipline will result. This may include suspension.